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Niños y Jóvenes

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Celtic Spirituality

Espiritualidad Celta

Worship & Formation
Adoración y Formación


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist (spoken)
9:00 AM Holy Eucharist (contemporary)

9:45 Christian Education
10:45 AM Holy Eucharist (traditional music)
Cathedral & Virtual 
12:30 PM Santa Eucaristía en Español - Virtual


5:00 PM Holy Eucharist (spoken)
4th Saturday @ 5:00 PM Celtic Spirituality 



9:00 AM Holy Eucharist 

Praying our Light to Shine! Praying our way to hope with Anglican Prayer Beads.

An offering from our Ministry of Healing and Wholeness.

In the 1980’s a group of Episcopalians set out in group contemplative prayer using beads. The experience is similar to the Roman tradition of praying the rosary but unique in that there is a more meditative focus. This type of prayer will deepen and transform your devotions into a richer spiritual experience. Yet more transformative is to do so in community with Cathedral companions and our friends! Prayer beads are not required.

Contact the church office for beads 610-865-0727 or email.


Prayer Bead Meditations: Monday Evenings at 7 PM

Live virtually on Zoom

Meeting ID: 811 2302 4927

Passcode: 785220


to know Christ

to make Christ know

to serve all people according to Christ's example

conocer a Cristo,

dar a conocer a Cristo,

servir a todos según el ejemplo de Cristo.



Watch Our Current and Past Sermons

Vea nuestros sermones actuales y pasados

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